
3D Archery


Our 3-D archery course consists of beautiful mountain scenery along with a nicely groomed woods trail that is a mild walk not too hard on the young and not so young. The course consists of 28 target stations with life size targets. There’s black bear, deer, turkey, mountain lion, coyote & more. We also have the famous bionic boar at the end. It’s made of ¼” steel with a hole in the kill zone to test your skill & heart! Shoot your arrow thru the hole which is about 6” x 8” and save your arrow or hit the bionic boar and well ….. you won’t have to get your arrow. Half way thru the course there is a rest area with free bottled water. Shots are from all angles. There is a 40 yard archery practice range to site your bow in before the shoot. Sign-in times are from 8:00 am till 12:00pm at the fishing shanty. We have approximately 4 3-D shoots per year. Check for dates and to search all club 3-D shoot dates. The course takes approximately an hour and 45 minutes to complete. Lunch & drinks are available for sale. If you shoot archery or you have always wanted to but never have come give it a try. Instruction will be available and we promise you will have a great time so bring the family. It’s a great way to practice for hunting season instead of that boring target in your back yard.

Field Archery


Our field archery course is open year round and stretches out from the shanty to the north end of our property. Along the way there are 14 target stations. These stations are marked out in 10, 20, 30 yards with brown trail markers along the way. Stand where you like, behind trees, shoot thru brush, or in the open. Practice realistic hunting shots or just have fun with your family. We suggest an arrow puller as some of the arrows can be difficult to extract from the bails when they are wet from the rain. We especially like the targets along the pond, great view, usually breezy and shady. Bring your camo, range finder, lunch, whatever you like. So bring the family and have a super day. You could also get in some fishing when you’re done.

Field Archery - Russell Oakes-



3D Archery Shoot at Wittenberg Sportsmen

There are few better ways to enjoy the Catskills than to walk through the woods and sharpen your bow skills in our 3D Archery ranges. The video was shared to us via Greg and his wife on the 3D Archery YouTube channel back in 2013.