WSC and Highwoods will be hosting an NRA RSO (Range Safety Officer) Certification Class
The class will be held at the Highwoods Sportsmens Club.
Break snacks and lunch will be supplied.
Cost: $55.00
To register for class please contact: (845) 389-0504
The RSO course content consists of RSO’s roles and responsibilities, range standard operating procedures, range inspection and range rules, firearm stoppages and malfunctions, and Range Safety Briefings which include procedures to follow in the case of an emergency. RSO’s who have successfully completed the course then have the ability to become a Chief Range Safety Officer, someone essential to training and supervising NRA Range Safety Officers and developing range standard operating procedures. Chief Range Safety Officer, Sergiu “Serge” Liveanu, will conduct this NRA RSO Class.
For information follow link: