Sign in time is between 8AM -noon at the Pavilion.
The cost is: Adults $15, Youth ages 13-16 $5, Children 12 and under are FREE
There will be 3-D targets, and bonus shots and challenges.
Breakfast and lunch will be available.
WSC is part of this season-long challenge. Every time a shooter participates in one of the participating club’s 3D event – no matter what their score is (they don’t even have to shoot), after paying their entry fee – their scorecard gets entered to win the jackpot at the end of the season at the tournament – sponsored this year by Highwoods.
NO Cross Bows are permitted on the 3-D course!
If you have questions please contact either Barbara O’Brien at (845) 224-5320 or Bill Heinitz at (845) 853-2025.