Past Events from August 18, 2015 – May 30, 2015 › family event › – Page 3 – Wittenberg Sportsmen's Club, Inc. Past Events from August 18, 2015 – May 30, 2015 › family event › – Page 3 – Wittenberg Sportsmen's Club, Inc.

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Bragger’s Rights Day

Wittenberg Sportsmen's Club Pavilion 90 Montoma Lane, Woodstock, NY, United States

For the 3rd year in a row Dennis Lowe will host Braggers Day. This is a FREE event for ALL members and their families. There will be lots going on including: .22 shoot, archery, food eating contest, fishing, horseshoes, chili contest and more!!! Sure to be fun for the whole family and it's a great way to get to know other members. We hope to see you there!10:00 AM: Horse shoes & fishing contest, BB gun range, .22 bullseye shootout (25 yards scope, 15 yard iron site). Bring your own rifle or hand gun, 30 rounds of ammo, hearing and … Continued

South Side Rod and Gun Club’s 60th Annual Turkey Shoot

South Side Rod and Gun Club 43 Baker Rd., West Hurley, NY

Open to the general public! Events: HP rifle, shotgun slug, .22 rifle, pistol, bench rest, running deer, archery, trap, and luck shoot Bring your own equipment or use club provided equipment. Children's BB gun event- equipment provided. Food and refreshments are available throughout the event. Rain or shine. Property is located off Spillway Rd. Follow signs from 28 and 28A.

Christmas Party

Wittenberg Sportsmen's Club Clubhouse 491 Glenford-Wittenberg Road, Woodstock, NY, United States

The annual Christmas party will be at the clubhouse beginning at 6 PM. This is a potluck dinner so please bring a dish to share. If you are bringing a child (children) please let Tracy Oakes know how many so that Santa Claus can be prepared. Tracy's number is (845) 249-3435.