Work Party
Wittenberg Sportsmen's Club Clubhouse 491 Glenford-Wittenberg Road, Woodstock, NY, United StatesContact: Frank Lange at (845) 382-1300 or Russell Oakes at (845) 249-0877)
Contact: Frank Lange at (845) 382-1300 or Russell Oakes at (845) 249-0877)
Please come out and give us a hand.
Work on the kitchen in the clubhouse is needed in order to prepare it for the winter meetings. Even if you can only give an hour your help is really needed!
Bob Bloomer will be having a work party across the street from the clubhouse to clear trees and brush. Rain date is the following Saturday, Sept. 23rd.
Rain date for Bob Bloomer's work party on 9/9. Please help clear trees and brush across from the club house.
If you are able please bring a rake and wheelbarrow. Even if you can only help for part of the day the more hands the better.
If you are able please bring a rake, shovel, and wheelbarrow. Even if you can only help for part of the day the more hands the better.
There will be a work party today for the construction of our new dock. In the event of rain the work party will be held on Saturday, April 28th.
There is still some cleaning up to do if anyone would like to lend a hand.
Mike Paccione is looking for help during the mid-afternoon on three days to do some cleaning up around the rifle range. If you can lend a hand show up or call Mike at (845) 670-5660 (H) or (845) 594-5065 (Cell).