Youth Expo
Kelder's Farm Rt 209, Accord, NY, United StatesFREE EVENT • Contact Natalie at (845) 594-4471
FREE EVENT • Contact Natalie at (845) 594-4471
Family Picnic @ Pavilion 3 pm
w/ kids Fishing Derby
*(BYOP) *Bring your own pumpkin & covered dish
RSVP 845-249-3435
Christmas Party, Penny Social, Visit from Santa
Please bring dish to share. RSVP 845-249-3435
This year there will be a chili cook off, a memorable new food eating contest, a fishing contest for children and one for adults, a horseshoe match, a 22cal. rifle bench shoot contest, special gun raffle, and bucket raffle, and tons of food including cotton candy and popcorn. Admission is free for members, family, and friends. We will have soda and water otherwise BYOB. CHILI CONTESTANTS NEEDED: Contact Dennis Lowe 336-8357
Bring a chair, a beverage of your choice, a dish to share if you would like, and even a child. We will supply s'mores
Please bring a dish to share.
Please bring a potluck dish to share. There will be a special visit from Santa so please let Tracy know the names of the children that will be coming.